Add a media chip to any order to bring, "Full Customization" to life!
Explanation video provided
This media chip can be added to any order to bring a more personal experience to the gift and to make your product a truly timeless piece.
All you need to do is add this product to you cart and upload our song, video, voice recording or even a video clip to the website or email it to
I will then put your media on the chip and attach it your product.
When you receive it simply open your phone to the home screen and wave the back of your smartphone up close to the product.
*Smart phone must have NFC capability (Today's smart phones do)
Once the chip is detected it will open the file on your/their phone of the media you had me load onto it for all to enjoy.
This item is great for any gift, grave blanket, canvas, memorial displays, gravestones, and so much more!
You can also add this item with your business and contact information. That way if they want to remember where they got the item or to share your info with anyone it is readily available without having to look for your info.
Almost any item you find on this website can have this added. I would NOT recommend adding it to clothing items.
Adding this item to your product; suggested retail is to add $10 to your cost